Friday, June 26, 2009

Couple of Reminders

1. Tomorrow- Saturday, June 27th there is an all team car wash at Rite Aid on 128th (10:30am - 4:00pm). Please be on time and ready to wash, wash, wash! Also, don't forget to bring your money from presale tickets OR the tickets themselves.

2. Monday (6/29), Tuesday (6/30), Wednesday (7/1)- UDA Choreography Camp at Emerald Ridge from 8:50am - 4:00pm. We will have an hour lunch break. Please make sure to pay your $100.00 deposit and complete your liability form. Can't wait to get going on this.... make sure you show up with a PMA :)

3. Have a great July! Rest, Relax, and Enjoy! Just don't forget to practice your Pom and Hip Hop routines and exercise! Looking forward to seeing you in August!

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